My Beautiful Family

Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's been a while since I posted, but as you know, life is crazy hectic! November is finally coming to a close, and sadly, we still have not gone camping. Basketball season is off to a good, (not neccessarily great, start. Rick's Varsity team is 2-2, which isn't bad considering he's implementing an entirely new program. He has tournaments every weekend in December, so we'll be quite busy in addition to everything else Christmas brings to keep us moving.
This was Ryan's first Thanksgiving! We celebrated at my parent's house in Golden, TX and had a
blast! The weather was very "fall-like". He is trying so hard to walk and getting into everything! What fun!

Ryan loved the trukey and dressing, and, well, everything else! He definitely is not a pickey eater!

Grace loved playing with all her cousins! She adores anyone who will pay attention to her for longer than 5 seconds, even Pop!, and loves being in the spotlight-typical 3 years old!
In all, we had a wonderful time and ate entirely too much pecan pie!

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