My Beautiful Family

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Another Move

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Well, we have moved again! We are now officially Beckville Bearcats! Rick accepted a head Basketball Coaching position here and I'll be teaching 4/5 writing and spelling. We have a house in town just 5 minutes from the schools and Grace and Ryan will be attending "Nana's Playhouse and Learning Center" (appropriately named!)
Ryan is already 5 months old!! I can hardly believe how fast the months are going by. He is rolling over both ways and scooting around in circles! I think he secretely wishes he could chase his sister around the house, but that'll have to wait a few more months!
Grace is, as always, my little social bug these days! She feeds off of attention from anyone and will strike up a conversation with flagpole! She is full of energy and can hardly wait to start "school" in a couple of months.
I want to say a big "Thank you!" for all the help everyone gave us the past few weeks with the move and all. We are overly gracious and truly thankful for each and every one of you. It's so great to be back in East Texas!!

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